As MCTs are absorbed directly in your gut, taking MCT oils at a high starting dose will almost always cause gastric distress.
The recommendation is to start with the lowest concentration of MCT, and slowly increase the dosage until you reach the desired maintenance dose.
If you’re starting out, this is the recommended path:
- Cold Pressed Raw Virgin Coconut Oil
- MCT Oil
- C8 MCT Oil
Cold Pressed Raw Virgin Coconut Oil

Cold Pressed Raw Virgin (CPRV) coconut oil contains about 55% MCT’s and is the least irritating to the gut. This is also the recommended oil to begin with. It’s readily available at your local supermarket’s Organic section, or Oils section.
One side note, check that it’s unrefined coconut oil. Supermarket refined coconut oil, although odourless, is primarily used as a cooking oil and may not have the benefits of included MCT’s.

Most brands of MCT oil contains 95% MCT’s, and 5% residual LCT’s. This is the ideal supplement to those seeking to train their bodies to increase ketone production. It is absorbed rapidly, directly in the intestines without needing to go through digestion, and its effects can be felt 20-30min after ingestion.
MCT oil also has a thermogenic action on the body, by increasing the body’s basal metabolism, felt by a slight increase of body basal temperature. This increase aids the body to burn more energy.
Those who need an additional boost of energy before particularly strenuous gym workouts or endurance runs can also consume MCT Oil 30min before the session. They will find it easier to last through the session as there are more ketones in the bloodstream the body can tap into during the session.
C8 MCT Oil

C8 MCT oil contains 100% MCTs, comprising of 95-99% C8 (Caprylic Acid) and 1-5% C10 (Capric Acid). There are much fewer choices of C8 MCT Oil as most people stop at regular MCT oil.
C8 MCT oil is high-purity high-absorption MCT oil, because it doesn’t contain C12 at all. C12, although classified as an MCT, behaves like a LCT in the digestive process, as it needs to be digested before it can be absorbed and converted into ketones.
How Do I Take MCT Oils?
As MCT oils have the bad rap for causing gastric distress, taking too high an initial dose can send you running to the toilet, ending with a nasty liquid explosive experience. As such, care should be taken to gradually increase the amount of MCT’s until you reach the desired amount.
As MCT oils are absorbed directly in the gut, they are best taken on an empty stomach, before food, three times daily. MCT oils can be consumed while you are on a fast, as it will not break your fast (it does not spike a huge digestive action, causing hunger). Here is a suggested journey for gradually working MCT oils into your lifestyle.
- Start out with 1 dose of 5ml coconut oil per day on an empty stomach for a few days. If you experience gastric distress, take it with one of your meals. If you do not encounter any sensitivity, you may proceed to the next step.
- Increase the dosage to 3 doses of 5ml coconut oil per day on an empty stomach for a week. If you experience gastric distress, decrease to 2 doses for a few days, then increase to 3 doses. If you do not encounter any sensitivity, you may proceed to the next step.
- Increase the dosage to 3 doses of 10ml coconut oil per day on an empty stomach for a week. Observe for gastric distress. If you do not encounter any sensitivity, you may proceed to the next step.
- Increase the dosage to 3 doses of 15ml coconut oil per day on an empty stomach for a week. Observe for gastric distress. If you do not encounter any sensitivity, you may proceed to the next step. You DO NOT NEED to finish the rest of your coconut oil. You can use it in cooking, to dress your salads, or to make yummy fat bombs.
- Switch to MCT oil (C8+C10). Start out with 3 doses of 5ml MCT oil per day on an empty stomach for a week. Observe for gastric distress. If you do not encounter any sensitivity, you may proceed to the next step.
- Increase the dosage to 3 doses of 10ml MCT oil per day on an empty stomach for a week. Observe for gastric distress. If you do not encounter any sensitivity, you may proceed to the next step.
- Increase the dosage to 3 doses of 15ml MCT oil per day on an empty stomach for a week. Observe for gastric distress. If you do not encounter any sensitivity, you may proceed to the next step. You DO NOT NEED to finish the rest of your MCT oil. You can consume 15ml 30min before particularly strenuous gym workouts or endurance runs.
- Switch to C8 MCT oil. Start out with 3 doses of 5ml C8 MCT oil per day on an empty stomach for a week. Observe for gastric distress. If you do not encounter any sensitivity, you may proceed to the next step.
- Increase the dosage to 3 doses of 10ml C8 MCT oil per day on an empty stomach for a week. Observe for gastric distress. If you do not encounter any sensitivity, you may proceed to the next step.
- Increase the dosage to 3 doses of 15ml C8 MCT oil per day on an empty stomach for a week. As the body increases its absorption rate of MCT oil, you should not be experiencing any gastric distress by now. Even if you do, it should be a random sensitivity which should go away the next dose.
- You should not need more than this dosage, and can continue consuming the same dosage of C8 MCT oil for the rest of your ketogenic lifestyle.