Doing Keto Means You Can Keep Some Sweets
One of the toughest things, for me, doing the ketogenic diet was giving up a lot of the fruits that I love so dearly.
I grew up eating a large range of fruits.
- Bananas
- Apples
- Pears
- Oranges
- Watermelon
Now? I can’t touch them.
Because the fructose in them is a definite no when on Keto. This means that a lot of fruits are taken out of the mix immediately. But what if you’re a fruit lover?
You’ve grown up being told that fruits are really good for you. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Don’t get me wrong, fruits are good for you on a regular diet, but you’re on a keto diet now so you need to watch exactly what you’re eating.
There are fruits out there that are perfectly acceptable to have on a keto diet. Like most other fruits, there are going to be carbs that’ll form in your body from the sugars in them. However, it will just be significantly less.
Fruits That You Can Eat on Keto
You’ll be surprised that some of these on the list are ones that you didn’t even think about as fruits. If we going by the general definition of a fruit then they all fit within the category.
Fruit: the sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed can be eaten as a food.

Avocados are just amazing. That’s the best way to put it. If you’ve ever had guacamole then you know exactly what I’m talking about.
Instead of supplying you with sugars, avocados provide you with healthy fats that are going to greatly benefit you when it comes to your keto diet.
These fruits will also provide you with a bunch of vitamins and minerals that only help your health. Vitamins and minerals that you won’t get in a diet that lacks avocados.
If you’re looking for something that can help improve your heart health as well, avocados are the way to go. A healthy heart is like a chain reaction and helps lead to everything else in your body being healthier as well.
For every 100 grams of avocado you have, you will only get about 1.8 grams of net carbs.

When you’re on a keto diet, it can be easy for your body to lose its electrolytes. Your body needs electrolytes because they help all of your muscles function properly.
Without electrolytes, your muscles can easily start to cramp. If you’ve somehow gone this long without any muscle cramps, then consider yourself lucky because they are nothing you want to deal with at all.
The most common use of lemons for a keto diet is in water. Making lemon water is going to help you while you’re in ketosis. Since it’s so easy to make as well, there is no reason why you shouldn’t take advantage of it.
Lemon water has numerous benefits which include ones that will help your heart, muscles, and your joints.
Lemons are going to help your body become better at absorbing iron which, in turn, will allow your muscles to become stronger and possibly prevent osteoporosis when you are older. Healthy bones are going to help your joints stay healthier as well. Everything is connected in your body and when you improve one thing, you are only helping something else.
Lemons are going to give you about 6.5 grams of net carbs per 100 grams.

I personally don’t know too many people that go out of their way to get blackberries. They just aren’t an extremely popular fruit. However, when you’re on a ketogenic diet, they should be on your list of top fruits.
Also, if you’ve never had blackberries before then you should consider dropping everything you’re doing right now and go get some. The taste is absolutely amazing. You just have to worry about tiny seeds getting stuck in your teeth, but that is a small price to pay for this delicious fruit.
Blackberries are packed with vitamin C, K, and manganese. These are going to help your motor functions and reduce inflammation. The reduced inflammation is key when it comes to a keto diet. This is when you’ll start to see your problem areas, like your waist or stomach, start to shrink in size.
Eating blackberries can also give you a fiber boost that everyone needs in their diets but never seem to get enough of.
100 grams of blackberries will only give you about 4.3 grams of net carbs.

Unless you’re allergic, you probably love strawberries as much as the next person. They are a classic fruit that most people really wouldn’t mind having at all times.
Strawberries go great with so many different things, especially chocolate, but that probably isn’t the best idea since you’re on a keto diet.
They aren’t the lowest when it comes to a number of carbs they have compared to the other fruits in this article, but the health benefits are worth a few extra carbs.
Strawberries can help improve your blood sugar and improve your insulin sensitivity. In combination with a low carb diet, your body is going to start seeing positive changes sooner rather than later.
The only drawback, as mentioned earlier, is the carbs in strawberries. You can’t just eat a bunch of them and expect to stay in ketosis for a long time. This is a fruit that you need to eat in moderation.
Eating 100 grams of strawberries will give you 5.6 grams of net carbs.

Limes are very similar to lemons. They are usually associated with each other.
Something that separates limes from lemons is the fact that limes have properties that can prevent plaque in your arteries. This is a health benefit that you cannot get enough of.
The cleaner your arteries are, the better blood flow you can have throughout your body and the better it will function overall.

Tomatoes are yet another classic that everyone knows about. Surprisingly, a lot of people still mistake tomatoes as a vegetable. This is solely because of the other foods that are associated with them.
When you see a food that is always on a sandwich then your brain wants to just assume it’s a vegetable. When it’s used to make one of the best condiments out there, then you’re going to think it’s a vegetable.
When tomatoes are used, they are usually for a sauce or an add-on to any meal. They will never be the star attraction. However, they always play a critical role.
If you are a fan of cooking shows, you’ve probably heard that tomatoes are great because of the acidity they add to a dish. Along with that, they contain numerous vitamins and micronutrients that are key to improving your health.
When consuming 100 grams of tomatoes, you will get about 2.7 grams of net carbs.

Rhubarb, that’s a word you definitely don’t say every day. It’s a fruit but it is considered a vegetable in other areas of the world because of what you cook it with. Very similar to that of a tomato.
This fruit, like many others on this list, will help you improve your heart health. You will more than likely see an increase in your good cholesterol if you consume rhubarb on a regular basis.
Because it contains vitamin K, this fruit will also help promote bone growth and repair, which is crucial for anybody that is starting to feel those aches and pain as they progressively get older.
The antioxidants that rhubarb contains help neutralize free radicals that may be forming in your body. Free radicals can cause healthy cells in your body to mutate or die. This could very easily lead to someone getting cancer. Eating rhubarb can help prevent your body from getting cancer.
Rhubarb has about 2.7 grams of net carbs for every 100 grams consumed.
Green Olives

When it comes to olives, you’re either 50/50. People either enjoy olives are they absolutely hate them. Personally, I’m an olive lover. I never considered them a fruit, though.
Like every other fruit that has been in this article, olives are going to improve your bone health. If you can do what you can to make your bones as healthy as possible, you will have significantly fewer problems when you get older.
Olives also have a high-fat content which is something else you are going to need in a keto diet. You eat fat to lose fat. I know it is very strange, but it’s a proven science. Eat more fat to lose the fat you have.
For every 100 grams, you will get about 3.1 grams of net carbs.
Keep It Fruity
Fruits don’t have to completely leave your diet once you’re on a keto diet.
As you can see, the fruits here are greatly beneficial for your health, especially your bones and joints.
I know a man, 69 years old, that has had multiple knee surgeries. His knees are at the point where he can’t even run. If he takes a wrong step his knee give out on him. He always had a constant pain whenever he would stand up from sitting down. After being on a keto diet for a few weeks, his pain slowly started to go away. It became less and less until eventually there was no more pain.
So, based on that, no matter what your age is, you can start a keto diet and still improve your body. Don’t think that just because you are restricted to certain things means you are restricted to everything in that food category.